Web Shield blog
The challenge of chargebacks
Reducing chargebacks is essential for success in payments. We tell you more about the processes behind them.
Visa reVAMP Chargeback Monitoring Updates
Visa’s updated monitoring framework enhances fraud, dispute, and risk management effectiveness.
Visa reVAMP Chargeback Monitoring Updates
Visa’s updated monitoring framework enhances fraud, dispute, and risk management effectiveness.
Mastercard's New Collaboration Process
We explain how allowing acquirers and merchants to respond to cardholders’ enquiries outside of chargeback cycles prevents potential disputes.
Combat Friendly Fraud: Effective Strategies for Merchants
Friendly fraud is when a cardholder disputes a legitimate purchase with their issuer to get free goods.
Applying Chargeback Rule Changes to Boost Merchant Success
Card schemes are getting tough on chargeback fraud. We look at how changes to dispute resolution rules reflect changes in trading patterns, payment trends and technology.
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