Web Shield blog
The newest on regulations and card scheme rules
Regulation moves fast. Stay ahead of the curve with the newest changes in the payment industry.
Regulation round-up
Visa Integrity Risk Program: European Pricing Changes
Acquiring banks face policy changes, including doubled registration fees and additional Visa fees, as part of Visa's compliance overhaul from April 1, 2024.
Regulation round-up
Visa Integrity Risk Program: European Pricing Changes
Acquiring banks face policy changes, including doubled registration fees and additional Visa fees, as part of Visa's compliance overhaul from April 1, 2024.
Regulation round-up
Underwriting Code: Crack It with Mission Compliance
"Mission Compliance" is a guide for underwriters, providing insights and strategies on payment ecosystems and fraud prevention in merchant accounts.
Regulation round-up
Innovations Driving Change in Africa’s Payment Sector
Web Shield looks into the changes within the payment industry in Africa with insights from Absa's Amy Green.

Regulation round-up
Mastercard BRAM Program Updates: August & September 2023
Web Shield explores the latest trends, updates and reminders from Mastercard's August/September BRAM update.
Regulation round-up
Risk Culture 15 Years After the Financial Crisis
We take the temperature on organisational and risk culture and how it has evolved since the 2008 financial crisis.
Regulation round-up
Mastercard Introduces New Risk-Based Licence Fee in Europe
Effective 2023, Mastercard changed its recurring franchise licence fee to a risk-based fee.
Regulation round-up
Visa Replaces Global Brand Protection Program
Effective 1 May 2023, Visa will introduce the Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP) to replace the Global Brand Protection Program (GBPP). We examine the updated requirements for acquirers and their agents in respect of high-risk merchants.
Regulation round-up
What 6AMLD Means for Your Acquiring Business
Regulators are stepping up the fight against dirty money. Firms must not only contend with regulatory fines and the impact of these on their operations, reputation and bottom line, there is also the constantly changing nature of the regulation itself.
Regulation round-up
Mastercard Announces Additions to BRAM Program
In response to recent trends in illegal or brand-damaging activity, Mastercard has updated its Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation (BRAM) program.
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